Ettevõtte nimi

Põhivaldkond: TURUNDUS

Muud valdkonnad: Infotehnoloogia, Majandus, Telekommunikatsioon


Ahtri 12, Tallinn 10151, Estonia

Home page:

Company values

Built on trust
Stay humble and open
Curiosity and constant learning


ePPC is a digital advertising and analytics agency founded by a former Googler with a focus on Google Ads and Analytics.


We have over 12 years of experience.
We manage accounts across 25 different countries.
We manage over 4 000 000 € per quarter.

Job and internship opportunities

Every summer we organize ePPC Summer Academy. It is a 6-week program where we train future digital marketers. In addition to intensive learning, there are also several fun team events, and the best of the best may get the opportunity to join our amazing team.

Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?

We are part of a very selected group of Google Premier Partners agencies in Europe that are also official international growth partners and we’re one of the first Google App Partner Agencies in Europe. Export and multi-lingual campaigns have been our focus from the very beginning but in the last 2 years we have found an additional love – apps! Why apps? Apps are usually not restricted by country borders and neither are we.


Ahtri 12, Tallinn 10151, Estonia

Home page: