KPMG Baltics OÜ

Main field: ECONOMY

Other fields: Information technology, Law


Address: Narva mnt 5, Tallinn
Personaliosakond: Üldtelefon: 626 8700

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Company values

KPMG employees around the world share common values ​​that guide us and who we treat both our clients and each other. Our values ​​help us to function effectively together and to feel like a member of a unified global organization.

Integrity - We are responsible and responsible for our daily behavior. We always adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards - even in stressful situations. We keep our promises and set an example for others.

Excellence - We maintain curiosity in our activities and daily work and take personal responsibility for the acquisition of knowledge. We are constantly trying to find ways to delve into the nature of things in order to improve the results of our work. We are open to new challenges and ask for feedback because it is our way to evolve and improve.

Courage - This means expressing professional skepticism about what is visible and asking questions when in doubt. We express our opinion when we see something we consider wrong and support those who have the courage to express their opinion. Courage means that we are brave enough to step out of our comfort zone, to do what is right and important for all of us.

Together - Working together is important because we know that collaboration is what shapes opinions and fosters creativity. We accept people from diverse backgrounds, skills, views and life experiences and ensure that different opinions are heard. We show care and respect for others and strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can feel at home.

For Better - We aim to contribute to the strengthening of society. We make long-term sustainable choices to create positive change in local communities and society at large, in an effort to make the world a better place.

Job and internship opportunities

KPMG is looking for graduates with a wide range of financial interests and experienced professionals in the fields of auditing, taxation, accounting, legal services, business and IT consulting. You will find exciting and challenging work with international groups and local companies operating in various industries.

Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?

At KPMG, you become part of a dynamic organization that values achievement, professionalism and collaboration. We offer you a lot of training, you are surrounded by ambitious colleagues and you work with top entrepreneurs and specialists on a daily basis.

KPMG is the best place to get to know the business world!


KPMG is a fast-growing, sustainable company that creates an ambitious environment for its employees and is an ambitious market leader. We offer our customers a high-quality service and an inspiring and developing work environment for their employees.


KPMG on ülemaailmne auditi-, maksu-, õigus- ja ärinõustamisteenuseid pakkuvate ettevõtjate võrgustik. Tegutseme 145 riigis ja meie liikmesfirmades üle maailma töötab kokku enam kui 200 000 inimest. KPMG Tallinna ja Tartu kontorites töötab kokku ligi 200 inimest.


Address: Narva mnt 5, Tallinn
Personaliosakond: Üldtelefon: 626 8700

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