Scanfil OÜ
Vana – Sauga 40, Pärnu 80010
Tel: +3724426800
Home page: www.scanfil.com/
Company values
We believe that companies and people need well designed and built products made in a sustainable way by valuing the people who make them. Our working culture is grounded on four guiding principles:
- Customer focused
- Achieving together
- Proactive
- Engaged to perform
Meie visioon – Oleme usaldusväärne partner.
Meie kümme tehast asuvad Hiinas (1), Eestis (1), Soomes (1), Saksamaal (2), Poolas (2) , Rootsis (2) and USA`s (1). Pärnu tehases töötab hinnanguliselt 500 töötajat. Scanfilil on enam kui 40 aastane kogemus elektroonika tootmise valdkonnas.
Job and internship opportunities
Eelkõige ootame uusi liikmeid arendusmeeskonda – erinevate insenertehniliste teadmistega noori ja hakkajaid.
Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?
The main areas of activity of Scanfil OÜ are the production of telecommunications, industrial electronics and sheet metal products. The compactness of the service distinguishes the Pärnu plant from others of its kind. The factory's long-term experience and cooperation with various customers has provided competence that enables us to offer various complete solutions from product design, implementation, production to integration. A piece of Pärnu can be found all over the world, because the elements produced in the factory can be found in elevators, airplanes, ambulances, medical equipment as well as in many other places. Our integrated solutions offer future employees many opportunities for self-development and help them find the right area to fulfill themselves.
Vana – Sauga 40, Pärnu 80010
Tel: +3724426800
Home page: www.scanfil.com/