Ministry of the Interior's Information Technology and Development Centre (SMIT)
Information about job and internship opportunities from our recruiter Kristel Kraag (kristel.kraag@smit.ee) or personal@smit.ee.
SMIT general telephone 612 6200
Home page: http://www.smit.ee
Company values
Keeping an open mind - taking responsibility - including others - caring about everyone
To offer the greatest ICT solutions in the field of internal security.
Job and internship opportunities
Information about work and internship opportunities at SMIT, along with other interesting information and offers can be found on our career website: https:/www.smit.ee/et/karjaar
We offer internships year round, in accordance to opportunities and team resources. Offers can be found from all fields of IT, spanning from IT technician and customer support specialists to product development. Express your interest in an internship and we will find just the spot for you!
360 employees
Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?
Our goal is to ensure the security of the Estonian people with our IT solutions by creating unique services that affect all of our well-being. The work at SMIT is exciting and responsible.
You already contact us when you cross the border while traveling, register the birth of your child in the population register, call 112, apply for an ID card or go e-voting. We are ambitious and bold, and we are excited to look for new smart solutions. With us, you work shoulder to shoulder for a common goal. We create essential and vital IT solutions that cannot be done anywhere else.
We are trailblazers - our success in Estonia has set an example for other European countries as well.
Join our team and build a safer e-Estonia together!
# life-savingIT #internal_security #SMIT #nations_largest_IT_house
Information about job and internship opportunities from our recruiter Kristel Kraag (kristel.kraag@smit.ee) or personal@smit.ee.
SMIT general telephone 612 6200
Home page: http://www.smit.ee