AS Framm



Vana-Narva mnt 8, Maardu

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Company values

Teeme oma tööd pea ja hingega, mitte ainult kätega. Meie väärtusteks on ausus ja õiglus ning pühendumine. Oleme valmis tegudeks!


Framm is a progressive and forward-looking company producing concrete and concrete products. As the largest producer of concrete construction materials in Estonia, we want to be an example to other players in the construction industry with Framm's values and high standards. Our goal is to become the shaper of the concrete market.


Frammi grupis on tööl ligi 400 inimest, meil on 4 tootmisüksust ja 2019 aasta käive ületas 35 miljonit eurot. Meie sortiment on ainulaadne oma mitmekülgsuse poolest – oleme ainuke tehas, mis toodab nii seinaelemente, õõnespaneele kui ka presstooteid ja kaubabetooni.

Job and internship opportunities

Me tahame oma valdkonna noortele juba varakult sisse süstida edumeelsust, aktiivsust ning pealehakkamist. Pakume praktikakohti hakkajatele betoonihuvilistele noortele, näiteks tulevastele kvaliteedispetsialistidele või mehaanikutele aga ka müügiosakond ootab noori enda juurde teadmisi koguma.

Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?

At Framm, we believe that concrete is a dignified and durable material that has untapped potential and when used consciously, concrete enriches the living environment around us. With us, you can get involved in shaping the concrete market. We value safety and safe work practices, we are sustainable in our daily decisions and we work actively for a cleaner environment. FRAMM is always ready to act and do what what we promised! We are honest and fair. But most importantly - WE ARE ONE TEAM!


Vana-Narva mnt 8, Maardu

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