Main area: ENERGY
Muud valdkonnad: Keemia/materjaliteadus, Majandus, Mehaanika, Tootmine
Tel: +372 610 7100
Home page: www.utilitas.ee
Company values
Utilitas is sustainable, innovative, competitive and easy to use.
To be a leader in the field of energy. Create best practices and seek new solutions to achieve an environmentally friendly and climate-neutral society.
Utilitas on Eesti suurim kaugkütteettevõte ja taastuvenergia tootja. Utilitas varustab kaugküttesoojusega ligi 5000 hoonet kaheksas linnas üle Eesti, sh ligi 174 000 kodumajapidamist. Tegutseme Tallinnas, Maardus, Keilas, Raplas, Haapsalus, Kärdlas, Jõgeval, Valgas. Toodame ja jaotame energiat efektiivselt ning kasutame võimalikult suures osas taastuvaid ja kodumaiseid energiaallikaid. Töötajaid on kontsernis kokku 250.
Job and internship opportunities
We are mainly looking for engineers, students of energy, chemical and environmental technology and thermal energy for summer internships, but also students who are interested in customer service. The main areas of practice are: heat production, chemical laboratory, network management, network maintenance and customer service.
You have the ideal prerequisites for internships if you are open to new knowledge, acquaintances and experiences. www.utilitas.ee/karjaar/
Why should students come to your company for an internship or a job?
As a member of our team, you can contribute to a cleaner living environment by harnessing your professional potential in line with your personal values.
Internships are a good springboard from which to start a career in Utilitas. We offer experience and the opportunity to test yourself and be paid within the national minimum wage.
CVKeskus.ee uuringute põhjal on Utilitas kümnendi ihaldusväärseimate Eesti tööandjate seas 26. kohal.
Heat, cooling and electricity are essential today. However, while enjoying the right temperature and uninterrupted flow, none of us should forget that it is equally important to preserve the environment. That's why we produce and distribute energy to hundreds of thousands of people every day with the smallest possible footprint. Efficient and renewable. Help us to create a comfortable and cleaner living environment and come and train for us for the summer!
Tel: +372 610 7100
Home page: www.utilitas.ee